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Howdy, Gladys here, the sassiest French bulldog in the game. When I'm not busy being a boss lady at my online tattoo-inspired dog clothing company with my partner in crime Derek, I like to kick back and have some fun in my spare time.

Now, don't get me wrong – I take my job seriously. There's nothing more important to me than making sure our doggie fashion is the coolest and edgiest around. But sometimes even a girl like me needs to let loose and have some fun.

When I'm not designing clothes or modelling them like the superstar I am, you can usually find me hanging out with my pals. My favourite companion, of course, is Derek. We've been thick as thieves since the day we met, and I wouldn't have it any other way. He's got a heart of gold, even if he does have a tendency to hog all the toys.

Speaking of toys, playing is one of my all-time favourite pastimes. I love nothing more than playing tug of war or wrestling with Derek. But my true passion lies in destroying squeaky toys. There's something about that high-pitched squeak that just sets my little bulldog heart aflutter.

When I'm not getting my play on, I like to indulge in some of my favourite hobbies. I'm a sucker for a good chew treat, and I can spend hours gnawing away at one of those bad boys. And I'm not just talking about the average dog bone – I like my treats big, bold, and flavourful.

And let's not forget about TV time. You might not think it, but I'm a bit of a couch potato at heart. I love nothing more than snuggling up with Derek and binge-watching some of our favourite shows. We're especially fond of dogs behaving (very) badly, my mum says that Graeme's a bit of a dish.

So there you have it, folks – a glimpse into the wild and crazy world of Gladys, the French bulldog extraordinaire. Life is never dull when you're living it as an edgy dog fashion designer, but I always make sure to carve out some time for the good stuff. Until next time, keep on barking!

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